We can supply new generation single rib and multirib grinding wheels with micro-Crystaline abrasives ( MSB, 83R , EX ) with Krystal bond system ( V500, V736 ) with require profiling on it.
We have all types of coolant ( water soluble oil ) for Gear neat oil for grinding, hobbing & water soluble semi synthetic oil for bore grinding and Shaft grinding application.
Cylindrical & Angular Grinding
We can supply all types of cylindrical and angular grinding wheel against application and requirement.
Tool Room Wheel
We have all types of Tool room wheels for general purpose use in diffrent size like Plain, CUP , tapper cup , Disc etc..
Diamond Dresser
We have all types of dresser require in Gear Manufactring industries.
Measuring Instrument
We can supply all types of electronics measuring instrument for quality and Measurement report recording purpose. We can develop SPL customized product also against your existing mechanical fixture.
Himanshu Machine Tools. Opp. Mehta Petrol Pump, Dhebar Road, Rajkot-360002